Merry Kinkmas!

Merry Kinkmas!

Sage and I (Morgan) want to wish all of you a very Merry Kinkmas, hanukkah Sameach, a Kinky Kwanzaa, Solstice, Yule, Vaikuntha Ekadashi, Sol Invictus, Festivus, Holiday, Feast of Winter Veil, Hogswatch or whatever you happen to be celebrating around this time of year!

To help celebrate, use code "Kinkmas" to get 10% off orders over $10! 

Please keep in mind that postal workers are running behind due to the strike, so we aren't sure how long packages will take to arrive - it's best to assume that most things will be delivered after the Christmas holiday (December 24-26). We don't ship via courier because it's just too expensive - and we support the unionized workers at Canada Post (and workers everywhere else too)!

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